Bachelor- and Master thesis, Pratical research courses
Are you interested in both organic chemistry and ionic liquids? How about the development of green alternatives to common ionic liquids by using carbohydrates as natural resource? Do you want to investigate the applications these CHILs?
There are always ongoing projects! Just contact me!
Lectures at the University of Rostock
Strukturanalytik I (Stereochemie) - Modulnr. 13324
2 SWS, since WS20/21
OC VI: Stereochemie organischer Verbindungen - Modulnr. 13586
2 SWS, since WS20/21
Organische Chemie II - Naturstoffe (Lehramt) - Modulnr. 13606
2 SWS, WS22/23 and WS23/24
Organische Chemie für Biowissenschaften - Modulnr. 13511
4 SWS, SS24